Sunday, February 16, 2014

Caveat emptor: beware what the ‘Palestinian cause’ sells

The ‘Palestinian cause’ fights its war against Jewish Israel in the marketplace of ideas. It sells hate.

Hate is a big business. It attracts more attention than Coca Cola. Hate is more successful than Coca Cola.

A corporation is a distinct entity, created to accomplish an identifiable goal. That goal can be a business goal (Coca Cola), a political goal (to incorporate a municipality) or a socio-political goal (Save the Planet). It can even be religious (to organize institutions within a religion).

The corporate concept that runs the Arab war against Jewish Israel is called, the ‘Palestinian cause’. Like all corporations , this one expresses and represents the aspirations of its members (shareholders). The cause creates the ‘organizing principle’ around which consistent corporate decisions can be made.

This cause, like all corporations, has a Mission Statement. Its Mission is to replace the Jewish Israel with an Islamic entity called, ‘Palestine’. This is the ‘organizing principle’ which informs every corporate decision.

The corporate Mission Statement is to remove Israel. The product this corporate entity sells is called, ‘demonize Israel’. It sells this product through it sales teams.

This sales force is distinctive. It doesn’t just have one sales team. Its approach to sales is more like Coca Cola than Netflex. But it’s better.

Coca Cola sells more than one product. It uses more than one sales team. It sells into different geographic regions and countries which, often, have their own distinctive taste for sweetness.

Therefore, Coca Cola diversifies. It sends sales teams all over the world.

The Arab war against Jewish Israel is no different. It, too, diversifies. It, too, uses multiple sales teams. It. too, sells into different regions and countries which, often, have their own taste for anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda.

The difference is, the Arab may be more successful using multiple sales teams than Coca Cola. One reason for this is, the marketplace the Arab enters has fewer restrictions. For example, in the marketplace of ideas, no one gets sued for making false claims.

Then, Arabs don’t have to worry about supermarket shelf-space or the number of slots available in a vending machine. Super-market shelf-space is limited. Vending machines can hold just so many drinks.  The Arab doesn’t sell in supermarkets or vending machines. His market is more open, less constrained.

A third reason for Arab success with the multiple sales-team approach is how it diversifies its ‘sales message’. Each Arab sales team uses its own distinct name. Each team has the right to develop its own strategy. Each team gets to focus on only one or two goals. 

It’s a winning formula. Every team gets to do what it wants. No team gets distracted by too many goals.

The names of some of the sales teams are: Human Rights Watch; Christian Aid; CODEPINK; Palestinian Center for Human Rights; Peace Now; Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and the New Israel Fund.

There are many, many other teams.

With so many teams, organization can become chaotic. But this corporate entity has solved this problem: there is no centralized bureaucracy.

Most of the teams are independent. Each operates according to its own goals. Most use their own vocabulary. Most hire their own staff. They operate like franchises.

It’s a corporate structure that works. Each team enters the marketplace through a separate door.  Each sells its own message: Israel is racist; Israel is apartheid; Israel is a uniquely brutal Human Rights violator, etc.

The total effect of this approach is to focus the marketplace on your product. Coca Cola does that by selling Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Dr Pepper, Schweppes, etc. Whatever your taste for sweet drinks, Coke can satisfy your need.

The ‘Palestinian cause’ does the same thing. Through apartheid, racism, Human Rights, etc, the Arab sales force has the ‘product’ to satisfy your distinctive taste for demonizing Israel.

It’s a good business model. The results speak for themselves: this is a successful business.

But the business model isn’t perfect. It has flaws. Most important of these flaws is, the business itself is built upon lies.  

That’s a problem because the marketplace is cruel. Yes, the marketplace allows for fraud—but only so much fraud. It allows for a bad product—but for only so much time.

Ultimately, the marketplace makes you pay for your fraud or bad product. If you commit fraud, you could end up in jail. If you sell a bad product, you’ll lose money. If you do both, you could go out of business—and get punished.

The marketplace attracts buyers and sellers.  It also attracts thieves, some of whom create attractive, sophisticated messages.

Caveat emptor: let the buyer beware. The ‘Palestinian cause’ is not what you think it is.


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