Sunday, August 9, 2015

Obama’s Iran sales pitch: nonsense, lies and Israel

US President Hussein Obama is on the campaign trail. He’s trying to sell his Iran nuclear deal. He wants you to support it. He wants you to pressure your Congressman to support it. He’s campaigning hard.
He isn’t doing too well. The more he talks, the worse his poll numbers get (John Hayword, “Approval for Obama’s Iran Deal Craters in the Polls”, brietbart, August 3, 2015).
He lies (John Linder, “More Distortions and Lies from Obama on Iran Deal”, The Blaze, August 6, 2015). It seems that almost every time his opens his mouth, someone catches him telling another lie (David Limbaugh, “Obama, Not His Opponents, Is Falsely Advertising His Iran Deal”, HumanEvents, August 7, 2015).
He looks desperate. He’s being accused of resorting to anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric to get you to support him (Joel Pollack, “Blue State Blues: Barack Obama’s Antisemitic Rant on the Iran Deal”, breitbart, July 31, 2015; and, editorial, “Crossing a Line to Sell a Deal”, The Tablet, August 7, 2015). He’s questioning the loyalty of New York (Democratic) Senator Charles Schumer for announcing he’s against the deal (Tablet, above). He’s suggested that Schumer has been inappropriately influenced by a ‘foreign power’ (ibid).
In a speech on the Iran deal, he suggested there were only two types of people who oppose his deal – Republican partisans and Israel-firsters (Caroline Glick, “Column One: Obama’s enemies list”, Jerusalem Post, August 6, 2015). He suggested that only partisan zealots and disloyal US Zionists could oppose the deal (ibid).
This is nonsense. A Quinnipiac University poll dated August 3, 2015 suggested that is wasn’t just Republicans and ‘disloyal US Zionists’ who opposed the deal. Most Americans opposed it.
The poll clearly showed that American voters opposed the Iran deal by more than a 2-1 margin, 57 per cent to 28 per cent (Press Release, “August 3, 2015 - American Voters Oppose Iran Deal 2-1, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds”, Quinnipiac University, August 3, 2015). Are they disloyal, too?
Support for the deal among Democrat voters wasn’t exactly setting any records. Only 52 per cent of Democrats polled said they supported the Iran deal (ibid)—and you should note that the poll had a 2.4 per cent margin of error (ibid).
That meant that Obama’s Democrat support was razor-thin. It also meant that lots of Democrats opposed the deal.
In fact, Americans of every political and religious stripe don’t support the Obama Iran deal. His deal is so bad it’s got less support than President Jimmy Carter had for the ill-starred SALT II arms control agreement in the fall of 1979, just before he withdrew it from consideration by the Senate (James Robbins, “99 Problems With Obama's Iran Math”, US News and World Reports, August 4, 2015).
Does he lie when he says the only Americans who oppose his deal are Republicans and traitorous Israel-lovers? Yes, he lies.
In that same speech, he said the US Congressional vote on his deal was, essentially, a vote for war (disapprove the deal) or peace (approve the deal) (“Rejecting Iran nuclear deal is a vote for war, Obama says”, bbcnews, August 5, 2015). He argued to a group of Jewish leaders that a Congressional rejection of the deal would mean Iran would increase its support for terrorism, increase its support for its regional proxies, and motivate Hezbollah to fire rockets into Tel-Aviv (Ari Lieberman, “Obama's Veiled Threat against Israel”, frontpagemag, August 7, 2015).
This is war-scare nonsense. What will bring Iran to increase its support of terror and (and provoke Hezbollah to fire rockets at Tel Aviv) will be the acceptance of the Iran deal, not its rejection. That Congressional acceptance will release up to 150 billion US dollars of frozen Iranian assets (frontpagemag, ibid). Billions of that windfall will go to support increased terror.  US acceptance of the deal will “instantly transform Iran from a chief state-sponsor of terror to a state sponsor of terror on a cocktail of steroids and testosterone” (ibid).
Does Obama lie when he claims that this deal will bring peace? Yes, he lies.
For some, this deal is completely anti-Israel. It doesn’t de-fang Iran’s nuclear ambitions (against Israel); it empowers those genocidal ambitions (Joseph Farah, “Yes, I'll say it: Obama is anti-Semitic”, wnd, March 29, 2015). It facilitates and funds Iran’s planned genocide against the Jewish state (Ben Shapiro, “Evil in America”, The Patriotic Post, July 29, 2015). It betrays Israel (Michael Oren, “How Obama Abandoned Israel”, Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2015).
This deal wasn’t a diplomatic fluke that forgot to protect Israel. It appears to be the culminating event in Obama’s purposeful drive to harm Israel (ibid).
Obama’s message about Israel is clear. Israel, he says, is the only country in the world that won't accept this deal (Barak Ravid, “Obama: Every Country in the World Except Israel Supports the Iran Deal”, Haaretz, August 5, 2015). Israel is sticking its foreign nose into our private business (Jane Young, “Selling the Iran deal hits new lows in nasty...”, pundit, August 9, 2015).  Israel is trying to manipulate us (ibid). Israel wants us to go to war against Iran (David Horovitz “No, we don’t want war. And yes, there was a better deal”, Times of Israel, July 16, 2015).
Does Obama lie when he says he’s Israel best friend ever? (“Obama says he’s the best friend Israel ever had in the White House…”, xbradtc, January 30, 2015)? Yes, he lies.
If you’re still in exile, get out. Yes, Israel’s ‘no easy walk in the park’ right now. But exile isn’t better. It’s worse—and getting worse still.
You’ve got to make a decision: come home and struggle with your fellow Jews beside you; or, stay where you are and risk losing everything you value.
Come home—now.

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