Tuesday, February 7, 2017

More computer questions.

As I mentioned to you last week, I've been having computer troubles. These troubles continue.

I've been talking to a computer man who runs a computer store in Jerusalem. We've done several remote changes and adjustments via a program called team viewer. The results have been both inconclusive and temporary.

As a result, my machine still freezes in a random, unpredictable manner--but only for relatively short periods, say, ten minutes to an hour. 

I do understand that my desktop is 6.5 years old. In computer years, that's old--very old. Is this the time to buy a new machine?

I've got a choice. I can try one last 'fix' before buying a new machine. The fix includes (I think) a complete download followed by some kind of internal 'cleansing' and then a reprogramming of the machine. If that doesn't work, I'll buy a new machine.

The second choice is to purchase right now. That'll save me the cost of the 'fix'.  

Any thoughts about this?

I'd appreciate your feedback.

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